“Teachers for SwanZ” - a chance for vocational education in Romania, Bulgaria and Austria
In ancient Greece, dance was one of the fundamental disciplines of education, being considered efficient for planting, maintaining and strengthening feelings of social solidarity. For this purpose, warrior dances (πυρρίχιος), peaceful (emeli) dances or for picking the vineyards (epilenic) were practiced etc. (Wikipedia). The idea that dance is an essential part of life and education, preserved even today, will be illustrated by the newest project of the Choreography High School "Floria Capsali" in Bucharest), which coordinates "Teachers for SwanZ", a strategic partnership in the vocational field, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The project, that will start on December 1st 2020 and will be implemented during the next two years, will involve teachers, students and trainers from the coordinating and partner institutions: the National School of Arts "Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov" in Ruse (Bulgaria) - http://www.artrousse.com/, the company "Attitude" in Vienna (Austria) - https://www.attitudestudios.at/ and the Hellenic Union of Romania - http://www.uniunea-- elena.ro/, based in Bucharest. The idea of this project and the cooperation that will implement it started from an opposite context: on the one hand, professional dance schools prepare children for one of the most sensitive, responsible and beautiful professions and, on the other hand, in partner countries, at least, these schools are often neglected, operating with limited resources, in an increasingly technologized environment. Welcoming the initiative, one of the greatest masters of world contemporary dance, the Romanian choreographer Gigi Căciuleanu, accepted from the beginning to be ambassador of this project. “Teachers for SwanZ” aims at helping dance teachers to better understand their students – representatives of the Z Generation – and addresses them according to their needs, on the channels they use most often. Basically, the project team has set as targets for the next 24 months: • to develop and update key competencies of the dance teachers from the partner institutions, in order to enhance the development of very high quality relationships with students, colleagues and parents; • to facilitate a better understanding of traditional and contemporary dances in the partner countries from a technical point of view, the approach to teaching, symbolism, etc.; • to include the cultural diversity of the countries involved in the project in order to create more educational-artistic tools/ methodologies; • to update and improve the digital skills of dance teachers in partner institutions, in order to facilitate their access to IT tools. The project involves mobility from one partner country to another, training sessions for dance teachers and other activities, which will materialize in the following tangible results: a training course for dance teachers / trainers to support them in developing both professional and communication skills, coaching and intercultural dialogue skills; a web learning platform - The Virtual Laboratory - where dance classes will be taught online and where exercises, shows, interviews, messages, opinions will be uploaded as video files; a mini-guide for non-dance teachers, which will have the role of supporting teachers who teach different subjects to introduce in their classes terminology, activities and exercises related to dance. Regarding non-tangible results, we expect project beneficiaries to be more motivated to learn, to be more open, to experiment and apply innovation, to better work in teams and to improve their performances. Such a project has no chance of success if each country takes individual action, as there is little interest and limited possibilities for national systems to support dance as an element of general education. The transnational initiative will benefit from existing expertise, strategies and policies in the field of education and vocational training through dance, offering the possibility to test, pilot and explore a variety of methods and tools, at partnership level. All those interested in the region and in Europe will benefit from the working tools created by the project and from an example of good practice, Erasmus+ giving a wide visibility to the initiatives it supports.“Teachers for SwanZ” - read all about our project here!
The year 2021 was rich and full of activities for the project co-financed by Erasmus+ Teachers for SwanZ, currently supported by four “ambassadors”, celebrities from the world of dance – Alkis Raftis, president of the International Dance Council – UNESCO, Gigi Căciuleanu, choreographer of Romanian origin and one of the greatest masters of world contemporary dance, Liudmila Konovalova, the first ballerina of the Vienna State Ballet, Austria, and Vessela Vassileva, the first ballerina and artistic director of the Ruse State Opera, Bulgaria. Briefly, since March, the team has been working intensively on the development of the two educational materials that will be freely available to dance teachers, students and the general public interested. The students and teachers at the partner dance schools met in the virtual environment for the online dance classes presented by each partner to the other schools. They also participated in a series of workshops coordinated by choreographer Valentina de Piante Niculae, university lecturer at U.N.A.T.C. Teachers participated in the online environment in training sessions on soft skills and in an intensive workshop focused on the Dalcroze method. Now, when the project has turned one year old and we are approaching the winter holidays, the “Teachers for SwanZ” team of the “Floria Capsali” Choreography High School wants to send to all partners from Austria, Bulgaria and Romania, to their colleagues from the Romanian high schools in the field, to the supporters and friends of this initiative who are in the country or on other meridians, wishes for success and inspiration in everything they propose, with the conviction that, by uniting our thoughts and efforts, we can support the path of today’s students to the great stages of the world in the coming years, we can carry forward with distinction and dedication the tradition of ballet and dance schools in our region.
1 December 2020
The „Floria Capsali” Choreography High School of Bucharest (the Choreography High School “Floria Capsali”), as initiator, starts the implementation of the „Teachers for SwanZ” project (2020-1-RO01-KA202-080171), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and good practices, strategic partnerships for vocational education and training.18 December 2020
First official meeting with the project partners, on Zoom: – National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov (National School of Arts “Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov”) of Ruse (Bulgaria); – Attitude Studios – Ballet with Laura” (Attitude Studios) of Vienna (Austria); – The Hellenic Union of Romania (The Hellenic Union of Romania).22 January 2021
Designation of four project ambassadors, one celebrity from the ballet and dance world proposed by each partner: Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian choreographer living in France, one of the greatest masters of world contemporary dance; the message sent by Gigi Căciuleanu at the project start: “Dancing together” “The dance I love is a reflection of the mysterious inner abyss into the countless dimensions of the soul.. It does not only appeal to the eye, but, perhaps even more, to the vibrations of the heart. A dance inextricably bound to the verb… That verb from which everything started… Which IS, was and WILL BE. A thought written in movement sap on the void wall… Let’s do so together in a way that the swan’s dance, unlike its song, might always be a wonderful urge to start a new journey.. Gigi Căciuleanu” Liudmila Konovalova, prima ballerina of the State Ballet in Vienna, Austria, collaborator of Attitude Studios; Alkis Raftis, president of the International Dance Council – UNESCO, president of the Dora Stratou Theatre and Dance Company of Athens, Greece; Vessela Vassileva, prima ballerina and artistic director of the State Opera, Ruse, Bulgaria.January 2021
Deciding on the visual identity elements of the project.31 January 2021
Selection of the project participants – teachers, dance instructors and pupils – using questionnaires elaborated by the project team. As far as concerns teachers’ participation, two distinct groups were created – 1. ballet/ dance teachers and 2. persons teaching other subjects in dance schools.
7 February 2021
Elaboration of short films presenting every entity involved in the project. You can see them on YouTube:Floria Capsali Choreography High School, Bucharest
Ballet with Laura – Attitude Ballet Studios Vienna
National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov, Ruse
21 – 26 February 2021
Deciding on the media partners of the project:
5 – 6 March 2021
Teambuilding with the teachers/ dance instructors, establishing of the working group that will elaborate the Teachers for SwanZ training of trainers’ manual for dance teachers.
12 March 2021
Teambuilding with persons teaching general culture subjects in the participant schools, creation of the non-dans working group, that will elaborate the interdisciplinary brochure “Mini – Guide of Movement”.18 March 2021
Online class presented to all partners by the Floria Capsali Choreography High School. Teachers – Claudiu Staicu (traditional Romanian dance), Mădălina Mechenici (character dance), Simona Paraschivu (contemporary dance), Diana Zăvălaș (ballet pianist, project manager).
25 – 26 March 2021
First working meetings of the dance and non – dance teachers, on Zoom.2 April 2021
Online ballet class presented by Laura Cristinoiu, artistic director of Attitude Studios Vienna. The pupils from Ruse, Bucharest and the Hellenic Union of Romania worked together with the pupils from Vienna, following the teacher’s explanations and demonstration.
12 April 2021
Participation in the online conference on “Dance Education in Romania”, organized by the Hellenic Union of Romania and the International Dance Council – UNESCO.
15 April and 12 May 2021
Two training sessions on Diversity an Intercultural Dialogue, held by Rodica Precupețu, collaborator of the Floria Capsali Choreography High School. Participants – dance and non-dans teachers from all the teams involved in the project.
22 April 2021
Online ballet class presented by the National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov, Ruse, Bulgaria. Teacher – Denitsa Ancheva, with the support of Tania Borisova.
29 April 2021
Messages transmitted on the occasion of the International Dance Day:Diana Zăvălaș, project manager
And9 May 2021
Online class of traditional Greek dances presented by the Hellenic Union of Romania, dedicated to Europe Day. Special guests – Dragoș Gabriel Zisopol, president, and deputy of the Hellenic Union of Romania; Alkis Raftis, president of the International Dance Council – UNESCO.
20 May 2021
Video messages of the project ambassadors dedicated to the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – 21 May. You can see them on YouTube:21 and 28 May 2021
Online ballet classes held by Laura Cristinoiu – Attitude Studios Vienna.
3 June 2021
Online ballet class held by Stanislava Spasova – the National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov, Ruse.10 June and 2 July 2021
Two training sessions on Communication, held by Roxana Amzăr Gheorghe – collaborator of the Hellenic Union of Romania.17 June 2021
Online class presented to the partners by teachers from the Floria Capsali Choreography High School – Mădălina Mechenici (character dance), Simona Paraschivu (contemporary dance) and Claudiu Staicu (Romanian traditional dance). Meeting with journalists at the Floria Capsali High School.
July – August 2021
Elaboration by the teachers involved of the training of trainers manual for the ballet and dance teachers entitled Teachers for SwanZ – first draft of the textbook.September 2021
Elaboration by the teachers involved of the brochure Mini – Guide of Movement. First draft of the brochure.October 2021
Recording six video classes of traditional Greek dances by the Hellenic Union of Romania – the communities of Bucharest, Ploiești, Brașov, Cluj, Galați and Onești.19 November 2021
Intensive workshop with teachers from the Floria Capsali High School focused on the Dalcroze method, a pedagogy emphasizing the essential link between the body movement and musicality.6 – 10 December 2021
Workshops coordinated by the choreographer Valentina de Piante Niculae, university lecturer at U.N.A.T.C., with the pupils from the Floria Capsali High School involved in the project.5 December 2021
A collection of project participants’ photos and opinions – teachers, instructors, and pupils, published by the portal Typologos from Thessaloniki, Greece, and Ballet Magazine, Romania. You can read the opinions of the persons behind the project here:December 2021
Messages from our “ambassadors” for pupils and teachers:“Dance4pupils&teachers”
What do you think is the most awaited moment in a project in which four partners from three different countries participate, after more than a year of activities carried out on Zoom? Exactly, it is the long-dreamed moment when we see each other physically for the first time, we work together, we express our thoughts, we laugh, we understand each other by exchanging looks, and we search for the words that seem to be part of a universal vocabulary, we are glad to be next to each other. We feel good as if we have known each other for a long time.
This was the case at the first face-to-face meeting of teachers, instructors, and pupils from dance and choreography schools involved in the Teachers for SwanZ project, an initiative co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. Groups of pupils and teachers or dance instructors from Romania, Austria, and Bulgaria gathered in Bucharest, between the 6th and 9th of May. The host was the project initiator and coordinator – the Choreography High School Floria Capsali.
All the partner entities in the project participated – the aforementioned high school and the Hellenic Union of Romania, the National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov from Rousse, Bulgaria, and Attitude Studios from Vienna, Austria, a total of over 30 students and about 20 teachers. The activities took place in different locations. The program included two distinct sessions – training for teachers, entitled Dance4teachers, and one for students, entitled Dance4pupils. The main protagonists were teachers from the Floria Capsali High School, invited lecturers from the dance world, dance instructors, and professional trainers. But it is worth pointing out that, directly or indirectly, all the teachers’ activities were aimed at a better and more modern specialized training of the students, a better communication, preparation for performing on stage, an increased capacity for empathy and dialogue, so that they are prepared in the coming years to integrate into the artistic world, to achieve performance.
Reviewing the moments of the four days of intensive training, we have the image of a unique puzzle: dance was the predominant element, as it was natural – from the traditional one to the character dance, from ballet to contemporary dance, more precisely the types of dance that are taught and learned in the specialized schools. Open ballet lessons were held by teachers Mihaela Vasilovici from the Floria Capsali High School, who presented ballet studies for advanced level, barre and center exercises, and jump techniques, as well as Laura Cristinoiu from Attitude Studios, who presented the pirouette techniques and support exercises for revs; the character dance was presented and practiced together with the teacher Mădălina Mechenici from Floria Capsali High School, a unique moment for the Bulgarian colleagues, who do not teach this subject in the school program. Raluca Mălăeru, a ballet teacher at the same high school, held a ballet class with teachers who teach other subjects in dance schools and who have never practiced ballet before. With the children, she made another ballet moment, on unusual music, and the students were challenged to adapt to a different musical style.
The traditional Romanian dance module was held by teachers Simona Paraschivu and Claudiu Staicu from the host high school, and contemporary dance was presented and practiced together with Simona Paraschivu. The Bulgarian team and that of the Hellenic Union of Romania were involved with great openness in the traditional dance module, practicing together a dance from Maramures, Bulgarian and Greek dances.
The well-known dancer, choreographer, cultural expert, and cultural NGOs manager Cosmin Manolescu invited all the participants to several sessions on “rethinking the dance” and discovering new teaching strategies in this era marked by the pandemic and war. The exercises coordinated by Cosmin Manolescu took place in indoor and outdoor spaces, promoting a free, modern style, close to nature. The exercises brought together students, dance teachers, and “non-dance” teachers, which led to the creation of unique dance moments, very much appreciated by the participants.
Extremely interesting and appreciated were the training sessions on topics that are connected to the dance teaching, topics that complete the puzzle and complement the training that students acquire at school. It is about training teachers on communication topics, dialogue between languages and cultures, and practicing coaching skills and soft skills, so that the methods of working with children in the classroom and outside the classroom are extended and diversified, in a modern spirit.
Valentin Dițulescu, trainer at the acting school Go! Bananas, proposed the teacher's interactive exercises focused on the topics of communication, leadership, the connection between mind and body, the control of emotions, and the design of games that can be used in the classroom.
Francesca Dogaru, actress, social activist, and coaching trainer at the World Wilde Fund, held a module about communication, relationships with others, how to understand ourselves, and the language of emotions and gestures, ending with a dance moment through which the children illustrated the topic.
An acting workshop with students and teachers, entitled My gift to the world, was held by Monica Săndulescu, actress and trainer at Attitude Studios. The topics are approached through interactive exercises where knowing one's own body, accepting and appreciating oneself, the trust that must exist between the partners within the team, in class, or on stage, illustrated by moments of improvisation - own creations of groups of two students.
Cătălina Lupu, the trainer, proposed exercises based on the inverted teacher-student relationship, in order to debate the concept of a culture of dignity and to show how negative emotions can be overcome, and how self-esteem can be cultivated. The result was a set of drawings and three dance moments, in groups of two children, who improvised and created their own choreography.
Teachers also took part in a workshop focused on promoting knowledge and dialogue between ethnic groups, languages, and cultures, as an essential element of education for democratic citizenship in today's society. The element that cannot be missing from the training of the artists who will soon dance on the world stages, is the vision of the lecturer – Rodica Precupețu, trainer in the team of the Floria Capsali High School. An example of good practice on this topic was made by the team of the Hellenic Union of Romania, who created a PPT presentation about the multicultural dimension of Ploiesti town.
If the start moment took place at the headquarters of the Hellenic Union of Romania, where Olimpia Bândea, secretary general of the organization, spoke about the activity of the hosts and a group of instructors and students presented Greek dances, the final moment took place at the National Opera in Bucharest, a prestigious institution with a history of over 100 years. In the end, it was an opportunity for all the teams, teachers, and students, to express some thoughts on the four training days, and for the organizers to make an evaluation of the activity. The teachers Mădălina Giurgescu, the principal of the Floria Capsali High School, and Diana Zăvălaș, the project manager, gathered a beautiful collection of appreciations and proposals for the future.
During their stay in Bucharest, the participants visited the Palace of Parliament, with the support of MP Dragoș Gabriel Zisopol, president of the Hellenic Union of Romania, and watched three performances - one of Romanian dance, at the Children's Palace, one of ballet at the Ion Manu Cultural Center in Otopeni and one of contemporary dance at the National Dance Center of Bucharest.
From the evaluations of the participants and the impatience with which the children are waiting to meet again at the future training sessions, which will take place in Rousse, Bulgaria, we can conclude that the event in Bucharest was successful. The Teachers for SwanZ project goes further.
Flashmob celebrates dance and friendship.
The event took place in Ruse, Bulgaria, under the auspices of the “Teachers for SwanZ” project
“Why did 70 dancers from Bulgaria, Romania, and Austria organize a flashmob?” - the National Bulgarian Television (NBT) was asking Friday afternoon, on June 3rd at 17.30, during the “Bulgaria in 60 minutes” broadcast. Here is the answer: the learning, teaching, and training activities organized by the National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov of Ruse, Bulgaria, held under the “Teachers for SwanZ” project, ended with a flashmob involving all the participants - teachers and pupils. Four partners from three countries were represented in the Ruse flashmob, transmitted live by the NBT: the Floria Capsali Choreography High School from Bucharest, the Hellenic Union of Romania, and Attitude Studios from Vienna, Austria.
Why? Because the “Teachers for SwanZ” project, an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, offers the participants from different schools the opportunity to meet, work together in workshops and training sessions, create common experiences, improve together skills and performance in the partner schools and in the region.
After the similar events hosted by Bucharest in May, the Bulgarian partner organized the second round of training activities in Ruse, between 31st May and 3rd June 2022: a session for the students - “Speak, dance and learn with me” – and a session for the teachers and dance instructors - “Teaching dance together”.
The teachers’ training agenda was very interesting, addressing not only the dance teachers and instructors but also the persons teaching other subjects in dance schools. Some of the training modules were organized in museums, at the library, and at the theatre, showing an effective and friendly collaboration of the host school with the main educational and cultural institutions of the Ruse town and region.
The teachers and instructors from all the partner entities appreciated a lot the modules presented by the Bulgarian colleagues: Pedagogical challenges and project-based teaching and learning, with English teacher Tanya Borisova; Inter-institutional dialogue workshop, with Denitsa Krastanova, deputy principal; Flashmobs - a means of expression and modern form of art, with traditional dance teachers Radko Prokopiev and Yanitsa Dobreva; Digital resources for dance teaching, with ballet teachers Stanislava Spasova and Denitsa Ancheva; Z generation and their online educational habits and desires - a case study, with Tanya Borisova; General education and special education (how to teach compulsory subjects to dance pupils in particular) – a Geography lesson presented by Dessislava Draganova and Stela Encheva; Emotional intelligence, gestures, acting, problem-solving, with Tanya Borisova; Storytelling at the theatre, with Kalinka Doshkova.
But dance was all around: Denitsa Ancheva, Stanislava Spasova, Yanitsa Dobreva, and Radko Prokopiev conducted the warm-up sessions for traditional dances and ballet, organized workshops on specific Bulgarian dances such as Parvo horo, Ratchenitsa, Daychovo horo and conducted several flashmob rehearsals.
On the 1st of June, the International Children’s Day – celebration! All the kids took part in the “Teach me your dance” session, dedicated to them, a peer-to-peer workshop where students taught each other their traditional dances, under the coordination of Yanitsa Dobreva.
The evening was dedicated to the Greek traditional dances and dance techniques, a session run with the contribution of Iulian Pirvulescu, Alexandru and Cristina Spiridon, Andreea Virtopeanu, Codrin Rotaru – Diaconescu, Cristina Chiriacopulu and Daniel Mocanu. This time, the dance instructors and pupils from the Hellenic Union of Romania, an association represented by people from Romania with Greek origins, were the protagonists. Dance steps specific to different Greek dances from Macedonia, the Ionian Islands, and other regions were presented and, of course, all the participants – pupils and teachers from the three countries - became for two hours the best Greek dancers.
Another extremely appreciated moment was the concert offered by the Bulgarian team, mixing instrumental music, ballet, and traditional dances performed by the best students of the National School of Arts Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov – Ruse.
On the last day, after receiving the attendance certificates from Maria Dukanova, the school principal, all the 70 participants gathered in the city central square, where the TV team was ready for the live broadcast. The audience saw some children jumping in the middle of the square, opening the performance. Everybody present at that moment in the park enjoyed a 13 minutes show, the flashmob – alternating ballet, traditional Bulgarian dance, and, in the end, Sirtaki. You can see it here: Защо 70 танцьори от България, Румъния и Австрия организираха флашмоб? - Българска национална телевизия (bnt.bg)
Without words, by dancing together, the children and teachers expressed their message of collaboration and friendship, and their respect for our common European cultural heritage and values.